Friday, 31 January 2014

P1. Production meeting - 31st Jan

Present: Me,Charlotte and Amber

Topic - Script and shots
We need to decide if we are keeping the script and story we are doing now or change it.

- Jay gets picked on by Blake for not knowing his powers. Blake - Fire power, throws fire at Jay (dodging the fire)
- Alisha hits Blake with lightning to stop him
- Heavy footsteps, everyone looks around
- Alisha thinks its Blake messing around
- Foot steps get louder
- Alisha screams
- Jay and Blake panic
- They run, Blake freaks out and fireballs Jay
- Jay runs away from Blake, Blake gets dragged up
- Jay runs behind a tree, tries to figure out his power
- Keep the ending

Thursday, 30 January 2014

P1. Metadata - Folder structure

This is a screenshot of my folder structure

Screen shots of named footage 




                                           Screen shot of folders in premiere 

P1. Rough Cut - Peer Feedback + Appraisal



Strengths - I think that my intro music is really good and clear. The lightning sound FX is clear and goes with the effect. Some of the audio is clear and understandable. 

Weaknesses - Some of the audio isn't very clear and you can't here what they are saying. 

Improve - To improve it I would redo the audio so it will be clear and some isn't as loud as others. I would however get them to talk in the woods so you have some outside noise e.g wind. 

Special effects

Strengths - I think that my lightning effect is good and is in time with the footage and sound. 

Weaknesses - I haven't done the drag up or fall back effect. I can do the drag up effect but I haven't figured out the fall back one yet. 

Improve - I need to learn the fall back effect. Also in the feedback was suggested to have the lightning effect strike at different times. I thought about doing this and I am going to test it out and see which looks better. 


The costumes went well we the characters. The guys were casual and the girl was slightly dressed up. The acting was good and the actors were perfect for the characters. I think that what I have so far flows pretty well. The narrative slightly works but because we are missing shots and audio it isn't that good. My rough cut is entertaining but also a bit confusing because of the missing shots,effects and audio. The effects that iv'e used in editing go with the setting and atmosphere we tried to create. 

Improve - To improve the sequence we need to film more shots and redo the audio. To do this we need to organise what we are missing and when everyone is available to do it. 

P1. Production meeting - 30th Jan

Present: Me and Charlotte

- We need to redo the audio
- We realised that we have missed some shots
- Haven't figured out the fall back effect

What we need to do:
- Film the scenes we are missing
- Record audio
- Find better tutorials for the fall back scene or somehow get them to do it instead of editing it
- Organise when we can film and record the audio

We only can film Wednesdays and Thursdays as that's when we and both actors are free. We have spoken about the fall back and are going to ask the actor (Adam) if he is willing to do it and figure out how to make it safe to do.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

P1. Use of music in film - Legal considerations

The differences between recording rights and publishing rights is that recording rights is when the people who performed the piece of music you want to use has copyrighted it. For example there's copyright on a pianist recording of one of Beethoven's Sonatas. Publishing rights is instead of the performers owning the copyright the copyright only exists if the words and music have been written down or recorded. To clear the piece of music you would like to use in your film you would have to contact the record company or the person that owns the music. If you would like to use music from a composer that has died over seventy years ago then the music copyright has been removed. However when they died they might of passed the copyright on or someone else might have also owned the copyright. A record company might own the recording rights so you would need to contact them to ask for clearance of the music to use in your film. Incidental music is when the music is in the background but you can't hear it properly. For example if there is a jukebox in the background and music is playing. However to prove this the music should't have planned to be used. However if it is clear then it might not be easy to prove as incidental music and you might have to contact the people with the copyright to clear it. 

Creative commons is a non profited organisation that helps people share their work easily with easy to use copyright licenses. It is used so people can use other peoples work but on the conditions of the creators choice. There is 6 different types of licenses they provide:
The music I chose was a horror ambience ( I used it because it has the mysterious and eerie atmosphere I wanted to add to the background. It has a slow tempo. The music was created by Klankbeeld and has a license with creative commons which allows people to use the music but can't change it and must credit them. 

Information taken from:

P1. Audio timeline + sheets

Sunday, 26 January 2014

P1. Research - Tutorials for visual effects and sound effects

Split screens:      
Drag up: 
Jay and "creature" glowing eyes:
Camera shake:
Turn off effect: 
Rotoscoping for tree jump:
Working between After effects and Premiere pro 
Sound effects: 

Monday, 20 January 2014

P1. 20th Jan 14

Today we had a production meeting and used trello to help organise what we need to do and what we we're going to do today.

Today we updated the schedule, highlighted the scripts,discussed about the drag up effect shots. We then gave a script and minor release form to Adam (who plays Jay) and sorted times and dates we can film. We then started the new story boards. As we really need to finish them I took some of the shot breakdown sheets home to do for tomorrow (21st Jan).

Sunday, 19 January 2014

P1. Matte painting comparisons - Wikipedia and The digital matte painting handbook

Things in common 
Things that are unique/different 

Both the cards had a different definition however they did mean the same thing. Both cards defined matte painting as "a painted representation,set or distant location. It is mainly used in film. It also is used instead of building a set and creates the illusion of the environment".  

The differences in the two definitions were that Wikipedia said it "creates the illusion of an environment that is non-existent in real life" but The digital matte painting handbook said that it was "painted on the glass on location". This suggests that the location is real and not non-existent as Wikipedia defined it as.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

P1. Production meeting - 17th Jan

Present: Me and Charlotte

Today me and Charlotte talked about the male actor problem. As we still don't have one we was thinking about the alternatives we could do if we couldn't get one. We thought that if it comes down to it we would change our Blake character to a female character and change the script a little.

We also organised when we were going to start filming. As we are all available Thursday afternoons we are going to have practise runs of the script during lunch then film 3rd and 4th. We also printed out a script for each actor and the directer. We will give the actors their scripts on Monday (20th) which will have their lines highlighted.

Then we looked for tutorials for our "jump" scene as we have to film the jump separately and add it to the woods footage.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

P1. Risk assessment of location

After the health and safety talk the other day me and Charlotte decided that we would go and speak to Gary about the bike problem and the jumping scene. After speaking to him we decided we would do a risk assessment of the location we are using. We went round to see the main area the bikes are in and whether it would effect our shots. We also looked at the floor where our jumping scene is and the running scene. For the running location there was a lot of sticks around. We then looked around the woods and found a better location to film it. For the jumping scene we realised that there was a couple of pot holes and a ditch because of this we thought about how we could make it safe. We decided that it would be best to have some sort of crash mat so we went and spoke to the sports department. We asked them if we could use it and they said yes. However  we aren't allowed to take it outside so the teacher we spoke to said that they would section of a part of the hall so we could film it there but doing it this way means we would have to edit the jump into our video.

Bikes that are in the woods. Most of them aren't in the way of our scenes.

Panoramic view of the jumping area.

Old running scene                     New running scene

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

P1. DAC Productions logo

I created a logo for my group. I created it using photoshop. I used the demon eye image we already edited and cropped it. I then added lightning using a lightning brush setting and added text.

P1. Health & Safety presentation notes

- Don't stand or do handstands on the roof
- You always need to do risk assessment before filming
- Don't climb benches or tables. Especially don't skateboard along them. This is dangerous because you could fall of and hurt yourself or even brake a bone
- Be aware of everyone else. Put up signs so people know you're filming. When filming on the stairs make sure theres a sign at the top of the stairs so people know and don't go down them and trip on equipment. Try having someone stand with the signs to warn people.
- Don't put slippery things on the floor e.g baked beans, water
- Don't lay in the middle of a busy corridor. People could fall over you and people could get hurt
- If filming outside and its been raining and the surface is muddy and slippery make sure you're wearing appropriate shoes

P1. The Woods - Script with new camera shots and ending

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

P1. Production meeting - 14th Jan

Present: Me and Charlotte

Topic: Filming and effects (what I thought about yesterday), Actor, Risks/problems,Script

We decided that having a character have a camera as well was a good idea. We also decided to do the eye effect I thought of. For the different camera shots we going to have Jay/Blake share a handheld camera/phone. Using a phone we would be using the footage and imbedding it into our camera footage to create more of a "home film". However we will also film from the view of the "creature" to give it more of a mythical effect. For the phone camera to make it a night effect as well we would be using a black transparent thing over the camera. We will also either change the phone around for the face shots using the switch setting or keep turning the phone around. We also talked about the running scene and how we would use the different cameras. For the creature we're going to have someone standing there then wen editing make them a silhouette and have glowing red eyes.

For the other male actor that we still need we will be asking if anyone in our class would be able to play them and if there is more then one person saying they would we could do auditions.

We still have a problem with the bikes in the background. We also have the risk of the climbing and jumping on the tree. To solve these problems we will go and talk to the site manager to see if theres anything we can do. We decided we need to do this after the risk assessment talk this morning.

We will also be adding the things discussed to our script so we all know and can see how they will fit in.

P1. Production meeting - 13th Jan

Present: Me

I thought about camera angles and how to make the shoots more handheld and like they are in the Blaire witch project. I thought the main character Jay could have his own camera somehow but still have a camera shooting them in the view of the creature.

I also thought about the red eye effects. I thought that we could have a shadow of a person with bright red eyes. The red eyes would be glowing like the character Jay. I thought we could do it like this because the creature/person could be the evil version of Jay. I thought this because after seeing them Jay finds his power and it would give the script more sense.

Monday, 13 January 2014

P1. How to make night effect on premiere

                                                             My attempt
I think that doing the effect this way makes the clip look more like it's been shoot in the night then the effect we used on our animatic. The clip used was one of the best we taken however it had some problems. Next time we film this scene the camera would have to be further back so it does't crop one of the actors heads out of the frame. To make sure theres no cars or houses in the background we have moved where the scene will be shoot. 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

P1. Production meeting - Full length photos

Present: Me,Charlotte and Amber

- Charlotte will bring own clothing
- I will contact male character (Adam who plays Jay) to get him to bring clothing and to organise meet up for shoot (10th Jan) 
- Charlottes photo will be taken during first lesson
- Adam's photo will be taken during Break/lunch time 
- Third actor is still unknown. We will try and contact drama teacher tonight (9th Jan) however photo will be taken at a later time. 

P1. Health and safety table

P1. Contingency plan


Stay serious - Don't laugh, practise 
Bikes in the background - Ask college to ask students to be moved/not put there on filming days
Amber away for a week - Work out how to film without her
Demond eyes - Photoshop someones eyes
People being ill - Work out how to do it without them, work on paper work etc instead of filming

Minor problems 

Inputting effects - Watch tutorials, practise 
Using premiere - Practise 
Climbing of tree - Learn a effect, use a safety mat
Night effect - Find a effect to use, try to film in dark lighting 

Major problems 

Needing another actor - Ask drama students 
Possible weather changes - Check weather forecast 
Time scale of people available - Compare timetables 
Learning the script - Give script in advance, Do run throughs 

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

P1. Casting notes


For Alisha we need someone who is the average teenage girl who obsesses about her looks and who is stubborn and short tempered but also comes across as a friendly, outgoing person. 

Actress chosen: Charlotte Fleming

Charlotte would fit this role because she can act short tempered very well and has the right looks and personality. 


For Jay we need an average teenage boy who doesn't care about his looks and someone who can be loud and silly. 

Actor chosen: Adam Duffield

Adam would fit the role because he can act really well and has the right look. He also is confident and can be silly. 


For Blake we need an average teenage boy who can be rude and aggressive but also can be a wimp. 

Actor chosen: 

We have 3 potential actors to play this role. We will be holding auditions to see who will be best for the role. We have chosen these 3 people because they fit the roles looks and they do drama.

Monday, 6 January 2014

P1. Production meeting - 1st Jan 2014

Me,Charlotte and Amber

Schedule - Ours and actors
We first compared our timetables. We have the same timetable apart from Charlotte's photography (Tue - 10:50 to 12:20, Thur - 9:00 to 10:30 and Fri - 1:05 to 2:35) 
We have asked one actor their schedule however we still need to find another male character. We planned to film on Thursday's and Fridays depending on actors schedule.

Filming would be best last lessons for lighting. Another thing we could do is see if the camera has a black and white setting to help create the night feel we need. We have sorted out the props. Coke cans - collected by Amber and Charlotte. Sticks we can easily find in the woods on the days of filming. One problem we have is the bikes in the way. Some things we could do is ask the college to ask people not to put their bikes there or move them out of shot. Make up is an easy thing to sort. Only the female character, played by Charlotte needs make up. She can do it herself and use hair chalks for her hair (Supplied by me). The male characters can wear their own clothing.

Discrete rules
Camera/Lighting - Me
Vfx/acting - Charlotte 
Audio/director - Amber 

Permission forms needed for all actors 

Our schedule so far