Thursday, 19 December 2013

P1. Comparing original and new photographs

P1. Production meeting about photographys

Date: 19th Dec
Present: Me and Charlotte 

We decided on the 6 images we wanted to improve and thought of solutions for making them better. We could improve them by checking the images every time, using a tripod and change the apatite for the close ups and backgrounds. Also we need to try and get as much scaffolding out of the picture as possible and maybe rearrange our shot positions. 

P1. Composition analysis grid

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

P1. Analysing our cinematography

Good Images
These images are the best ones but they still have problems with them.

This image is probably the best image. It is good because the focus isn't blurry and there isn't any problems with it other than the sign in the background. It also used the rule of 3rds.

I think that this is a good image because all the characters are in focus and the trees are in the right position. Also you can see their facial expressions. However there is scaffolding in the background that is in the way.

This image is also very good as it fits the person and some surrounding trees into the shot. However there is part of a bike in the way. 

This image is good because it uses the rule of 3rds and is balanced out by the trees. The problem with this one would be the buildings, cars and scaffolding. 

This image is one of our over the shoulder shots. I think it is good because you get part of the person as well as their shoulder. It also has the other person in it. The problems with this is that you can see the traffic lights and buildings in the distance.  

The last image that I think is good is a wide shot from our running scene. I think it's good because it has running space and has the background as well as the people.

Bad images
These are some of the bad images. 

The problems with this image is that you can see a lot of scaffolding. This would be a good image if we cropped it out. 

The scaffolding is also a problem is this image. Another problem is that Charlotte is facing the wrong way and standing in the wrong position. To improve this we could maybe try Charlotte standing and facing in a different angle and crop out the scaffolding. 

The problems in this picture is that you can slightly see a building in the background and Charlotte is facing the camera. Also there is scaffolding in the background. To improve this image we could crop out the scaffolding and retake it.

The problems in this image is you can see buildings and the street in the distance because there isn't many trees. Again there is scaffolding in the shot. To improve this image we could crop them out.

In this image the character (Adam) is blurry. Also you can see buildings and scaffolding. To improve this we could do it in an area with more trees or crop out the buildings and scaffolding. Also we would need to make it better focused. 

This image would be a good image if there wasn't cars and scaffolding. To improve this image we could take it from a different angle.

Overall I think that our images would be good if there wasn't so much scaffolding around the woods and we cropped out parts.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

P1. Photoanimatic

Here is my photoanimatic. I think that it is a lot better than my first attempt however there still is some things wrong with it, half of the images are blurry. I like the sound effects I have added because it gives a sense of mystery and suspension. 

Monday, 16 December 2013

P1. Rotoscoping

Rotoscoping is used in animation. Rotoscoping is where you trace over a bit of footage, frame by frame. This is then used in live-action and animated films. To trace recorded live-action images you project them onto a frosted glass panel, then a animator re-draws what they see. The projection used to display the images onto the frosted panels is called a rotoscope. However these are now replaced by computers. This technique was invented by Max Fleischer. He used it in his series 'Out of the inkwell' which starting around 1915. Dave Fleischer, his brother dressed as a clown for the live-film reference for the character Koko the clown. He used the technique in a lot of his cartoons. His most popular work is the dance routines in three Betty Boop cartoons in the early 1930's and the animation of the Gulliver in Gulliver's travels, 1939. However the Fleischer studio's most effective use of rotoscoping was in their series of Superman cartoons. Rotoscoping was also used in The Beatles movie Yellow submarine. It was directed by George Dunning, a animation producer. The Beatles characters were based on their appearances, however Paul didn't have a moustache. The animation in Yellow submarine isn't very realistic this is because it looks and has been falsely attributed to pop art. 

In after effects you could use rotoscoping with the rotobrush. This is used to separate an object or figure from the background so you can move the object around or change the background, like masking. Rotoscoping would be useful for our drag up effect. We could use it to separate the person from the background and move the person up into the air in each frame.

Some other ways it could be used:

Thursday, 12 December 2013

P1. Working between Premiere and After Effects

There is many ways you can do your work using Premiere and After Effects together.

1. In Premiere you can do the typical easy way by going file,import,media and then click the right export settings. If you are going to use quicktime it would be best to use PNG rather than Animation. This is because the file would be really big. Also PNG is a lot better quality.

2. Another way you could do it is lassoing. First you highlight all your clips. Then you right click and chose replace with after effects composition. After Effects should open and save it where you would like it to go. Once it's opened your videos should of opened and a composition has already been created. However if you would like to go back to the clips in Premiere you should duplicate the clips to video 2 and do the process with those clips rather than your originals.

If you wan't to ad effects into your clip on Premiere you'll have to drag your sequence into After Effects, then make it a compision. You know can ad effects to your clip in Premiere and it will show up in After Effects. Make sure you save in Premiere and After Effects so you don't lose the effects you added. If you do things to your footage in Premiere but then you wan't to ad stuff in After Effects, save both files and you can then import the premiere file into After Effects.

P1. Research and understanding mattes and matte painting

Matte painting is used in photography and film making. It's where you combine 2 or more images to create a final image. Mattes are usually used to combine a foreground and background image. In filming mattes are used a lot for special effects. They are used to create illusions and things that you can't physically do. For example if you are filming someone flying you would need two videos. One would be of the person you are having flying doing what they're doing before they fly and then them jumping. The second footage would be of just the background and no one in the shot. This is used a lot in the film superman. Superman in 1978 isn't that convincing as digital painting wasn't invented yet but at the times it was probably very convincing as no one probably really saw someone fly. The recent superman film "Man of steel" has very good effects. 

In 1905 Norman Dawn, a photographer developed a technique that joined a photograph and painting together. He did this to enhance the environment that is in the shot.To do this he got his photographs and painting and placed them on a large sheet of glass. He then placed black tape over the parts where the painting would go. After putting the camera in the correct position he placed it over it. This meant that he could film what he wanted without the parts he wanted. However 80 years after a painter, Chris Evans was the first person to use digital painting. This involved blending a scanned image with a digital painting to create an ultra-realistic scene. This was first used in the film Young Sherlock Holmes. Some of the most popular films it was used in are Star Wars, Planet Of The Apes, The Wizard Of Oz, King Kong and Indiana Jones. Now a days we don't have to spend a lot of time to add mattes to use for effects because we have technology such us Photoshop, Video making software and the use of Wacom tablets. 

P1. Production design - Part 2

P1. Production design - Part 1

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

P1. Blake's costume design


Blake is a typical "chav". He dresses in tracksuits and sports labels. Like Jay he doesn't dress to impress. He lives with his mum and step dad. Blake isn't a very kind person and bullies everyone. However he does seem to like Jay and Alisha . Even though he is a bully he is very popular . 

P1. Alisha costume design


Alisha is your everyday teenage girl, but one of which has great self care, pride and passion about herself, and always has to be unique in her own way.She was born in Cambridge and is 17 years old.Alisha lives with her parents.She has a strong pact of feelings towards Blake, and she uses herself, to show of to him, but is very emotional and doesn't like that he won't notice her as a person.

P1. Jay costume design

Thursday, 5 December 2013

P1. Green screens

A green screen is a special effect technic that is used in films and TV programmes. You use them to add effects such as computerized graphics. Green screens were first used in the film 'Four heads are better than one'. Which is by one of the first ever film makers Georges Méliès. The green screen compositing techniques have developed over the years by inventors such as Frank Williams,C. Dodge Dunning,Lawrence Butler and Petro Vlahos. Frank Williams' was the first film maker to create the moving matte. Before that they only could use green screens if the camera was still so you couldn't use it for action shots. Green screens have become increasingly popular since the advent of digital film making. They have also developed a lot which makes them more easier to use and you can be more creative. Some films use green screens all the way through. For example Mary Poppins, the recent remake of Alice In Wonderland, The Hobbit, 300 and The Avengers. Lots of TV programmes use them too for example Ugly Betty, CSI's, Monk and Grey's Anatomy. They use green screens for either special effects such us fires,explosions and crashes. Another reason they might use them is for views and street shots. They use them for these because it would be hard to film in a street without getting in the way of people or vehicles. Mary Poppins used a lot of green screen work. One of the most popular scenes of the film where green screens are used is Mary Poppins flying on a umbrella. I think that when it came out it was a very convincing however now it doesn't seem very. This could be because we are used to the high quality that green screens produce now.  

P1. Using Rotobrush for telekinesis

Here  is my attempt of using Rotobrush. You can see where it has been used. At some points you can still see the fork and the jumper. To improve it I would keep attempting at it and maybe try using the mask to do it to see if I am better at using it instead of the Rotobrush.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

P1. Schematic diagram of the location

P1. Photographic illustration of the location

This is the entrance to the woods we will be filming in 
One of the problems with the woods is they're a lot of bikes 
Here is a Panoramic view of the woods. You can tell by this image that there is scaffolding fences around the woods which might cause problems when we film 
This part of the woods is used for our opening scene
Panoramic view of the running scene area 
There is a sidewalk in the middle of the woods. This might be a problem because someone could trip over it during the running scenes
This image shows the road and traffic lights near by, because they're so close it might cause problems by making background noises 

P1. Location Scouting Report