Sunday, 6 October 2013

My wallpaper

I made my wallpaper in Illustrator. In Illustrator I created objects that are important to me. I created a camera,CD,cassette tape, stars, YouTube logo and text (music). I first made the harder objects, the camera and cassette. I made the cassette by using the rectangle,circle,line and pen tools. I based the cassette on one that I found online. Once I made all my objects I saved them as symbols so I could use them whenever and didn't have to redo them if I wanted more than one. I then opened a new file in Illustrator and started adding my symbols and moving them where I wanted to create a tile that I would make my wallpaper. The cassette tape was half outside the tile. As the tile was being repeated to make the wallpaper I had to reflect the cassette to the other side of the tile so it will match up. To do this I clicked on the cassette tape then went object,transform and move. I then changed the move settings so the horizontal was 300 and vertical was 0 and then pressed copy. Once my tile was how I liked it I saved it for web then opened it into Photoshop. I then highlighted all (cmd A) and clicked on edit,define pattern so it would save it all as a pattern. Once my tile saved as a pattern I opened another page. To insert my tile so it would make the wallpaper I clicked on the bucket tool and changed the pattern to my tile. This repeated my tile and my wallpaper was created.

The things I like about my wallpaper is the cassette tape, colours and the final result. I like the cassette tape because it took me the longest and I think it looks like the cassette I based it on. I like the colours because they are bold and all stand out so you can see each object clearly. Also I like how the wallpaper has come together and the things I reflected to the other side match up. 
To improve my wallpaper I would add more things to it and try to organise a pattern so it doesn't look like a load of images randomly placed. Also I would use a more variety of colours. For example I used a lot of grey,black and pink. 

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