Wednesday, 27 November 2013

P1. Drag up effect using after effects

- First import your clips. You need 2 to make this effect. One of just the background and one with the person in it.
- Duplicate (cmd,D) the clip with the person
- Go to the point where you are slightly jumping 
- Right click on the first figure layer. Click on time, freeze frame.
- Click on the other figure layer and cut it 
- Click on the first figure layer and do the same 
- Then delete one of each cut 
- Click on the first figure (smaller clip) and use the pen tool to go around the person 
- Click P (position) on the keyboard and press the stopwatch 
- Move 3 frames and drag the person of the screen 
- Click S (scale) Go back 1 or 2 frames 
- Click on the scales stopwatch move the figure up again and use the scale to shrink it 
- Click motion blur and put it on the first layer 
- Click on the background layer and cut it 
- Click on the first cut layer and go effect,blur and sharpen, radial blur 

My attempt 

My 3rd attempt was the best so far. However I'm still not that happy with the outcome. Even though the person does get up the beginning bit is frozen. To improve it I'm going to try and find another tutorial or attempted it a couple more times.

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