This clip from the film Drive shows a getaway driver, played by Ryan Gosling waiting for 2 criminals that are committing a burglary. The getaway driver has a rule - he gives anyone who hires him 5 minutes to commit their crime and get back to the car or otherwise he will drive of without them.
The purpose of the diegetic (sound,voice or piece of music that comes from within the world of the narrative) in this clip is to make the viewer feel how intense the situation is and in a way make them feel like they are going through it to. The sound also suggests what type of genre the film is. By the police sirens and alarm of the place they broke into you can tell that the movie is a crime, thriller.
Ticking watch:
The ticking of the watch is one of the main sounds you hear. It is very load and helps create suspense for the viewer. The effects the watch creates is very important for the tension that they are trying to create so the viewer is draw to their screens and are sitting at the edge of their seats.
The radio:
After setting the watch Ryan Gosling turns up the basketball game on the radio. This is a bit confusing to the viewer because the watch sets a serious atmosphere whereas the basketball came sets a casual and calm atmosphere. This suggests that the getaway driver, Ryan Gosling is calm about the situation and if familiar with it and what to do.
Police radio scanner:
The police radio scanner also adds to the tension for the viewer. It does this by drawing the viewer in by reporting to the police what has been heard and what the police are saying back. This adds to the tension because you know that the police are on their way but you're unsure how far away they are and whether the burglars will make it out before they arrive.
Environmental sounds:
The environmental sounds don't really catch the viewers attention that much. However they're louder than what they actually are. The environmental sounds such as the police sirens still cause a suspense especially when they start because only one of the burglars are back in the car which makes the viewer wonder if the other one will get in the car in time or the police will catch him. Also when the sirens start all of the other sounds mix together and become increasingly louder. By having all the noises mixed together creates a lot of suspense for the viewer and makes the situation that is happening more intense.
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